Instructions for VPN connection:::


Install the software at the following site:


On the desktop, click on the icon "VPN GUI" and an icon will appear in the tray showing a black computer screen in black.


Right-click on the computer screen and select "import file" That was sent to Dr. Kirkpatrick as "institute.ovpn" at 9KB.


You will be asked for the following login information:


UN = cpanel_dev


PW = cf@XXXXXXXX;6*+(

The complete PW is available in Dropbox Folder "CRPS-US.ORG INSTALL"


Click "Connect"


The icon with the computer screen will turn from black to green when connected to the VPN.




To make editable in CONTRIBUTE 6.5, open VPN. Also, go to "My Connections" to confirm the website "" is "Enabled". See screenshot below.